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The role of MCPCB (metal core PCB) in the LED industry

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  • 31 Jan 2024
In today's era of electronic technology and technology, the demand for lighting systems and power supply equipment is rising. In addition, there are many LED products that are increasingly common in the lighting industry. Over the past decade, metal core printed circuit boards have become an integral part of the LED industry. This is no coincidence, but rather because MCPCB is a unique combination of metal plates, with an added insulating layer of copper foil. In addition, MCPCB has a wide range of advantages, including strong magnetic permeability and excellent heat dissipation. Therefore, in this article, we will take a closer look at the role and uses of MCPCB manufacturing in the LED industry.

Why use MCPCB in LED industry

Custom MCPBC are ideal for the LED industry for several reasons. First and most important, PCB specifications include the ability to integrate dielectric polymer layers. MCPCB provides significantly higher thermal conductivity. In addition, LED metal core PCB heats up at least 8 times faster than FR4 PCB. Metal core PCB can create a galvanized effect in the LED industry because it can be laminated to dissipate heat. This actually keeps the heating components significantly cooler. This feature can have an optimization effect, as retaining LED products and equipment is critical to preventing safety hazards. Furthermore, the prospect of efficient and rapid cooling is crucial to ensure constant light output.

The end result is extended LED product life and performance.

Metal core PCB heat dissipation

Aluminum PCB has good thermal conductivity. At the same time, MCPCB Prototype (Metal Core PCB Prototype) provides excellent processability and electrical insulation. However, increased demand for LED products has also led to increased concerns about the future of heat dissipation. Additionally, heat dissipation reduces the overall performance of the device. Especially those that require high power to operate.
This is why proper installation of the MCPCB structure is a key factor that can eliminate this problem.
There are many LED that tend to dissipate between 2 and 5W of hearing. Also, failure often occurs because heat is not removed properly. More specifically, LED output is significantly reduced, while heat levels in LED products remain high. This is where the metal core PCB comes into the frame. The MCPCB specification then effectively neutralizes the heat from all LED. This process occurs when the aluminum PCB base is combined with a dielectric layer connecting the heat sink and IC. Additionally, a heat sink is set on the main aluminum base. Therefore, this eliminates the prospect of needing to add an additional number of heat sinks on top of surface-added components. Best of all, it's a cheap and simple cooling solution.

Design rules for MCPCB LED boards

As we said, MCPCB is an integral part of LED technology. Additionally, the design rationale behind this is that metal core PCB can also reduce the number of LED required to produce lighting. Therefore, MCPCB is ideal for street lights, automotive LED applications, backlight unit applications, etc.
However, it is important for every MCPCB manufacturer (metal core PCB manufacturer) to know certain MCPCB specifications and design rules. At this point, it is important to emphasize that MCPCB design rules are similar to traditional PCB. However, there are various standardized MCPCB design models that are widely used. Moreover, most of these MCPCB construction blueprints are based on specific design considerations, which represent common design patterns for each MCPCB specification.

MCPCB specifications in LED technology

There are a few different MCPCB in LED technology. Design drawings are formulated according to customer needs, and different circuit designs are carried out according to different products. And most of these models can have different modifications. Additionally, some MCPCB suppliers tend to modify and adapt the structure to suit specific configurations. However, there are some general norms that every professional developer needs to follow. The general specifications for Metal Core PCB/Aluminum PCB include these general segments.

Metal core printed circuit boards are a major technological innovation. Additionally, it is an integral part of the LED manufacturing process. Moreover, this revolutionary innovation is one of the key components behind the superior performance of LED products. After all, using MCPCB LED boards in these LED products and applications can greatly reduce the overall heat generated. If you have more questions about MCPCB, please feel free to contact us.

metal core PCB, custom led pcb, pcb for led,

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